feat: art by Prince Satyrn
to a planetoid near you, the Freezine of fantasy and science fiction is undergoing preparation for its twenty-fourth issue in this, the year of the Replicant, 2019, which marks the tenth anniversary since our inception in the summer of 2009, when our first issue launched on its odyssey of daily serializations and publishing stories by a diverse set of online authors. Thanks to our host of readers for being here to receive these urgent messages heralding from the stream of neutrinos aimed at 2009 from an as yet unknown date in the far future that got us hooked into these events, so to speak. [see: history of Freezine editorials] Without you we'd remain a lost colony in outer space with no hope of making contact with each other, much less anyone else. Our efforts here today help pave the way toward making sure these missives granted us by the Bloodhost nanohorde that magnetically tapped us a decade ago have been rechanneling our boosted signal toward "adding another fold to the weave," as they put it to me in their last transmission (received during the solstice). So you see, if you're not a post-hypnotically suggestible human autobot nor one of its accessories, please spread word of the freezine far and wide, because its the only form of advertising we rely upon--oh, that, and our well-programmed fleet of preyed upon wings we've flung out to oblivion on a prayer and a silent scream, of course--as well as the guidance from your thoughtful hands when you share the various posts and links here which harbor our glittering archive of fictional jewels and gemstones available for the lost and thirsty web traveler. That would be you, stumbling upon the Freezine of fantasy and science fiction, a blog without ads which serves as home to a growing collection of word-spells arranged chronologically in a towering double helix library of babel.
Ne'ermind...the nanoswarm beckons...